I read some news about February 28 Incident on the website today.It’s obvious that the incident has been effecting the life of taiwanese.
  Above all else,I’d like to point out that “Universal history never existed” according to a historian.What I mean is that we always view history from a position affected by what we have heard and what we have seen intentionally or unintentionally.Therefore,forgive me,please, if what I said is obviously different from your standpoint.

  OK,from now on,I’ll state my views on “February28 Incident”.

  As a saying goes,”There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world,there is only the inevitable.”In my opinion,we’d better analyze the Frbruary 28 incident from economic,political and cultural dimensions.However,plenty of people have described this incident from various points of view and make their own decisions.As for me,I’ll tell what I think on the basics of what I know.

  As we all know,for the Taiwanese,they were influenced by different cultures about each of the fifty years,such as Netherlands,Qing dynasty,Japan and China.I asked myself a question after last class,what kind of person I will become during these years?No clearly answer had occurred to me until I wrote this text.It’s really really really hard to say.

  Maybe the main reason is that they had had great expectations on returning to motherland originally.But they were depressed after Kuomintang and their army arrived.At first,they are so confused and then they began to think about some questions,why should we be ruled by others?Why don’t we be the masters of our own?Perhaps this is the original source of Taiwan Independence.

  I don’t know whether you understand what I mean or not because history is so insteresting that I usually tell the history from a position where I don’t really know.In short,what I said just now depending on what I have heard and seen.Suddenly,a sentence of Voltaire occurred to me.He said,”I disapprove of what you say,but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.

  That’sall.Thank you.
